cheree franco , writ (er @) large


Once introduced as a hippie journalist who believes a dance party can solve any problem. Reporting from Pakistan, Mississippi, Arkansas and Standing Rock. Mostly at VICE. Feminist. Travel notes & photography from Iceland, Mexico, Italy & around. Sometimes talking about music & stuff that would interest Gen-X -cusp- millennials.

Posts tagged Iceland
Iceland: Reykjavik Arts Festival and clubbing

 You wander through woods, coming first to a small fishing boat lined with hay and fur that you curl up inside (it's so cozy and sweet-smelling), listening to birdsong. You leave reluctantly and stumble upon a hut. Inside the hut, you smell and hear fire and burning sage, but it's nearly pitch black. As your eyes adjust, you see a woman swathed in cloth, but for her eyes. 

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Iceland: Akranes and Reykjavik

We had a late lunch at Kaffi Vinyl, the city's only all-vegan restaurant, which is also a coffee shop (people seem comfy hanging for a bit and bringing their dogs) and a record store. We were lucky enough to be in town for the Reykjavik Art Festival, so afterwards we hit up The Nordic House for The Weather Diaries opening.  

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