cheree franco , writ (er @) large


Once introduced as a hippie journalist who believes a dance party can solve any problem. Reporting from Pakistan, Mississippi, Arkansas and Standing Rock. Mostly at VICE. Feminist. Travel notes & photography from Iceland, Mexico, Italy & around. Sometimes talking about music & stuff that would interest Gen-X -cusp- millennials.

My first day in Pakistan (vs. India CWC 2011!!)

My first day in Karachi coincided with the biggest cricket match that Pakistan has experienced in decades. Picture this: The Express Tribune web room awash with young, energetic staff wearing emerald jerseys over jeans and shalwar kameez, hurriedly filing stories so they can rush off to their government-sanctioned cricket holiday. They’ve all got one eye on the tiny TV mounted at the ceiling, not wanting to miss the toss, when the bumbling, jet-lagged American, slips behind a desk and says in a deep-fried drawl: “Hey y’all, what’s this cricket thing about?” A marvelous way to endear myself to my brand new co-workers, isn’t it?

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