

 Colors of the Kalash

Rumbur is the land that time forgot.

After the Floods: how one woman's refusal to go to the city rebuilt a village

Lalan of Jatti was dying of thyroid cancer when a MALC official urged her to seek help.

Acting Out with the Living Newspaper

On a balmy Tuesday, 20 third-year Szabist film students cluster in a small, dingy studio. The midday sun streams from the skylight, testing everyone’s patience as they attempt to mark scenes in a series of fact-based plays highlighting human rights violations in Pakistan.

Karachi, are we going to build castles on top of dung heaps?

Urban planners say Karachi is not Dubai.

Charged under the arms act, Thari teen disappears into Indian prison system

Pehlaj Bheel disappeared in 2006 and resurfaced in Jammu Central Jail.

Can Pakistan Learn from Katrina?

Pakistan's floods have been called Katrina on steroids. The disasters have a lot in common. Neither country’s president seemed to realize the cataclysmic nature of things.

We Don’t Have Cricket in America

My first day in Karachi coincided with Pakistan’s biggest cricket match in decades.

Dispatches from Pakistan

A travelogue, of sorts.